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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Interesting Pieces Of Trivia Acquired From [b]Wikipedia V[/b]
[size="-1"]Defamer Australia

Are you a Battlestar Galactica fan? If not, I'll assume you haven't bothered watching the show because you fear ...

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Milton Roe
QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Mon 13th July 2009, 9:02pm) *

<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Interesting Pieces Of Trivia Acquired From [b]Wikipedia V[/b]
[size="-1"]Defamer Australia

Are you a Battlestar Galactica fan? If not, I'll assume you haven't bothered watching the show because you fear ...

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Doh. I'll save you the review. This is a guy who never noticed for himself that the President in Battlestar Galactica is the Stands Up With Fist lady from Dances With Wolves. Since it's her performance rather than Costner's that gives charm to that movie, it's pretty lame not to recognize her, if you ever saw the thing. Sigh. yecch.gif But Wikipedia clued him.

Irony: this fact which pleased this guy so much is EXACTLY the sort of "Trivia Thing" that they'll battle to delete from one article or the other on WP. All while sliding in enough porn to make WP explode in a shower of deleted, if it actually was a physical object with volume and pressure limits. Which (alas) it is not. It's just the "trivia deletionists" who pretend it is.

Oy. confused.gif

It's harder to get "cultural trivia" into Wikipedia, than porn. And yet Trivia Connections is what WP is really GOOD at, and pleases people most by. Go figure. confused.gif confused.gif

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