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Full Version: Wikipedia "objectionable to children under 17"
> Wikimedia Discussion > General Discussion
This will fit right in one of the common WR tropes:

The Apple iTunes store just notified me that an update was available to "Wikipanion", one of several Wikipedia apps I have on my iPhone for displaying Wikipedia entries in various formats. When I clicked to download it, I got a popup saying "This application contains material that may be objectionable to children", and that if I continued the download I was certifying that I was 17 years old or older. Since these apps get their content from Wikipedia, I presume this warning was based on Wikipedia itself not always being "safe" for minors (WP:NOT Censored, and all).
There you have it. Wikipedia not only contains material objectionable to children, it also contains material objectionable to the overwhelming majority of adult educators and perhaps a majority of the adult BLP subjects.
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