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It's curious that there is no mention whatsoever of Jeremy Rosenfeld anywhere on Wikipedia Review.

Another link that's relevant.

Also, Sanger's response.

Has anyone ever talked to Jeremy Rosenfeld about this December 2000 conversation with Jimmy Wales?
QUOTE(thekohser @ Fri 11th September 2009, 9:32am) *
Has anyone ever talked to Jeremy Rosenfeld about this December 2000 conversation with Jimmy Wales?

I'd be shocked to learn that such a person ever existed. Even if he did, he probably wouldn't want people to know that he'd worked for a pornographic link-farm startup in the year 2000... dry.gif

A quick check of Jeremy Rosenfelds on the web reveals one who works for the NBA's HR department in New York, another who works for a company called "Safety-Kleen" in Texas, and another with a PR group called "Chicago Sky"... There's also an amateur comedian by that name. I might be willing to believe it's the amateur comedian, except that he apparently lives in Indiana.

Jimbo would be highly motivated to make something like this up, as a means of further belittling Larry Sanger in his effort to get proper credit for his pivotal role in helping to trash traditional standards in reference publishing, academia, and journalism.
QUOTE(Somey @ Sat 12th September 2009, 6:47am) *

QUOTE(thekohser @ Fri 11th September 2009, 9:32am) *
Has anyone ever talked to Jeremy Rosenfeld about this December 2000 conversation with Jimmy Wales?

I'd be shocked to learn that such a person ever existed. Even if he did, he probably wouldn't want people to know that he'd worked for a pornographic link-farm startup in the year 2000... dry.gif

A quick check of Jeremy Rosenfelds on the web reveals one who works for the NBA's HR department in New York, another who works for a company called "Safety-Kleen" in Texas, and another with a PR group called "Chicago Sky"... There's also an amateur comedian by that name. I might be willing to believe it's the amateur comedian, except that he apparently lives in Indiana.

Jimbo would be highly motivated to make something like this up, as a means of further belittling Larry Sanger in his effort to get proper credit for his pivotal role in helping to trash traditional standards in reference publishing, academia, and journalism.

On the contrary surely it further undermines his role as "sole" founder.
Kelly Martin
QUOTE(Somey @ Sat 12th September 2009, 12:47am) *
I might be willing to believe it's the amateur comedian, except that he apparently lives in Indiana.
Jimbo was living in the Chicago area when he got the Wikipedia idea; it wasn't until Mike Davis got into legal crap with Chicago Options Trading that he (and his bosom buddy Jimmy) relocated to Florida. Before that, Jimmy was a student at Indiana University. A nexus with Indiana is reasonable.
QUOTE(Somey @ Sat 12th September 2009, 5:47am) *

QUOTE(thekohser @ Fri 11th September 2009, 9:32am) *
Has anyone ever talked to Jeremy Rosenfeld about this December 2000 conversation with Jimmy Wales?

I'd be shocked to learn that such a person ever existed.

This is all I can find in a quick search.
QUOTE(anthony @ Sat 12th September 2009, 8:56pm) *

QUOTE(Somey @ Sat 12th September 2009, 5:47am) *

QUOTE(thekohser @ Fri 11th September 2009, 9:32am) *
Has anyone ever talked to Jeremy Rosenfeld about this December 2000 conversation with Jimmy Wales?

I'd be shocked to learn that such a person ever existed.

This is all I can find in a quick search.

"Hober0" is Edward O'Connor, who wrote to me to say he hasn't talked to Jeremy Rosenfeld in a few years, but that would confirm that such a person exists.

O'Connor said, "last I heard, [Jeremy] was spending his time painting houses and surfing. Really nice guy."
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