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What does Rumsfeld call it?

Donald Rumsfeld had to be talked out of editing his own entry on Wikipedia, which he referred to as “Wika-wakka.” He was a Drudge Report reader and used to watch YouTube clips that made fun of his press conference performances.

That's a book I must get.

Stupid is such a powerful drug.
QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Mon 21st September 2009, 3:22pm) *

What does Rumsfeld call it?

Donald Rumsfeld had to be talked out of editing his own entry on Wikipedia, which he referred to as “Wika-wakka.” He was a Drudge Report reader and used to watch YouTube clips that made fun of his press conference performances.

That's a book I must get.

Stupid is such a powerful drug.

I know I immediately pre-ordered the book after reading that article. It helped that they had a link to Amazon from within the article. biggrin.gif
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