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So on another thread, the subject of came up and the ability to "opt-out" of their archiving, which of course suppresses all the archiving history as well, not just the current version.

A quite new and swaaaaaaaaaaaaaangy thing occurred the other day.
You are going to just flip over this one kiddies.

It turns out that our favorite foamy-mouthed grand-stander Matt Sanchez.... let the domain registration on expire. Do you know what that means?

It means all of his robot.txt opt-out code is gone. All his original web pages now appear again on Get them now kiddies. Get your own private proof (look at the source code) of "who" created those pages. All the grand conspiracy theories fall down. Course we all knew that anyway.

I wonder if Benjiboi would want to reopen the case once more now that we have proof.

Within the source code of the HTML for all those male hooker pages it states created by "Matt Sanchez".

So there you go. There you go ten times.
Thanks to Charles Wilson for pointing this out the other day. I would have never noticed, I have a lot more interesting things to work on, but I thought this was so frikkin hilarious I'd share it with you-all.
QUOTE(wjhonson @ Fri 25th September 2009, 8:26am) *

So on another thread, the subject of came up and the ability to "opt-out" of their archiving, which of course suppresses all the archiving history as well, not just the current version.

A quite new and swaaaaaaaaaaaaaangy thing occurred the other day.
You are going to just flip over this one kiddies.

It turns out that our favorite foamy-mouthed grand-stander Matt Sanchez.... let the domain registration on expire. Do you know what that means?

It means all of his robot.txt opt-out code is gone. All his original web pages now appear again on Get them now kiddies. Get your own private proof (look at the source code) of "who" created those pages. All the grand conspiracy theories fall down. Course we all knew that anyway.

I wonder if Benjiboi would want to reopen the case once more now that we have proof.

Within the source code of the HTML for all those male hooker pages it states created by "Matt Sanchez".

So there you go. There you go ten times.
Thanks to Charles Wilson for pointing this out the other day. I would have never noticed, I have a lot more interesting things to work on, but I thought this was so frikkin hilarious I'd share it with you-all.

Gee, that's exciting. I think you wildly overestimate the amount of interest here in Matt Sanchez.
Gee, you seem to have a healthy level of interest in Matt Sanchez.
QUOTE(One @ Fri 25th September 2009, 7:04am) *

Gee, you seem to have a healthy level of interest in Matt Sanchez.

Well I feel I owe it to my readers to at least drop by every three to six months to see if anything new has happened wink.gif Well I mean there's *always* something new, but I mean new and exciting like AquaFresh.
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