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You've got to click the "Let's do it!" (that's what she said) link on the Wikipedia site-wide banner, saying you live near San Francisco, and you're available to help them.

Then notice the drop-down menu on the question "Have you ever contributed to Wikipedia?"

Notice how you can't even read all the answer options, since they exceed the margins of the drop-down menu box?

Great job, WMF. The quality control continues to amaze me.

If anybody does actually get into this thing, make sure you take a ton of photographs while you're there, and give off the impression that you've only been out of your basement a few times this year. Whatever you do, don't play it straight. Wear a feather boa.
victim of censorship
QUOTE(thekohser @ Wed 7th October 2009, 3:45am) *

You've got to click the "Let's do it!" (that's what she said) link on the Wikipedia site-wide banner, saying you live near San Francisco, and you're available to help them.

Then notice the drop-down menu on the question "Have you ever contributed to Wikipedia?"

Notice how you can't even read all the answer options, since they exceed the margins of the drop-down menu box?

Great job, WMF. The quality control continues to amaze me.

They got guys like this to help..

One phat phuck
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