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Full Version: Korea has a VANK over the internet
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A belated conclusion to the Caspian blue Korean cabal topic which some one attempted to diminish with simplistic accusations of racism. Underlining, as I did at the time, that at one point Caspian was edit warring 7 days a week up to 16 hours a day, according to the wikichecker, before being banned from japanese topics.

It is always heartening to discover that one was not wrong ... might be old news for some but I am logging this just in case it helps others.

VANK - Voluntary Agency Network of Korea, government funded Cyber Vigilantes ... presumably the committee wrestled for a long time over not calling the Wikipedian Agency Network of Korea. 16,000 members paying a membership fee of W30,000 each ... W1.28 billion government funding (down to W890 million this last year). They claim 7,000 foreign members at 200 new foreign members a month.
Korea’s government funded Cyber Vigilantes

Webmasters, beware. If you have a map of Northeast Asia on your site and the body of water located between Japan and the Korean Peninsula is labeled “Sea of Japan,” you may soon find your e-mail inbox full of messages seeking to “correct” your geography.

Groups of loosely organized South Korean netizens regularly fire off thousands of e-mails in an effort to promote their country’s national image and rectify what they consider to be grave mistakes about Korean history, geography, and culture. Depending upon how you view them, these folks are either self-styled “cyber fact-checkers” or hyper-nationalistic spammers ... ts members scour Web sites for “errors” about Korea, then barrage violators with protest e-mails. For instance, VANK wages a continual campaign to change the name of the Sea of Japan to the East Sea.

Korea’s government encourages this cyber-vigilantism. The Korean Information Service (KOIS), the government’s public affairs branch, sponsors contests to hunt down foreign Web sites that have “incorrect” content about South Korea ... One popular cause is to have the Liancourt Rocks, a group of uninhabitable craggy islets claimed as sovereign Korean territory ..
Sounds familiar?

VANK claims to have persuaded "some 300 different sources of information, such as encyclopedias and websites" to carry both the “Sea of Japan” and “East Sea”. This year, it turned its attention on one-on-one ties with members of MySpace to publicize Dokdo and Korea. caved in not because it agreed with the South Korean geography activists but because the e-mail bombardment was annoying ... at one point they received as many as 20 e-mails per day regarding this issue from VANK.

And, as it says on the Pee-dia page, "VANK members are not work for Money".
Moderator's Note: Moved to General Discussion forum.

This is probably a trend - Korea is just ahead of the curve, and others will soon catch up. That, or other countries, such as Burkina Faso, are just better at keeping the whole operation under wraps.
QUOTE(Somey @ Fri 16th October 2009, 1:42am) *

Moderator's Note: Moved to General Discussion forum.

This is probably a trend - Korea is just ahead of the curve, and others will soon catch up. That, or other countries, such as Burkina Faso, are just better at keeping the whole operation under wraps.

They're both well behind the curve. Just look at any wikipedia article on any topic vaguely related to Ireland, for instance.

Wikipedia has no mechanism for dealing with pressure groups, other than capitulation. "Some say this, others say that."
QUOTE(Malleus @ Fri 16th October 2009, 3:21am) *
Wikipedia has no mechanism for dealing with pressure groups, other than capitulation. "Some say this, others say that."

This is true, and they would need to be fairly sophisticated ones. Especially adding the language barrier on top.

I put in an admin request to look into the editing patterns at the time, knowing nothing of this type of operation, and received nothing but denial as if I was some looney conspiracist.

VANK seems to targets young males, tells them what to think and coordinate actions, the East/Japan Sea and Dokdo/Takeshima Island being two high profile ones. Empress Myeongseong, was another. VANK reminds me of some of the Soviet era student groups that used to flood colleges are universities with their "peace" and "friendship" messages.

Again, I think what depresses me is that because of the Pee-dia holey [sic] ineptitudes, it is just "ordinary" people who will have to pay the price out of their lives if they choose to engage ... and if they do not choose to engage, a revised collective conscious or collective history will be created by such groups. In my experience, it is impossible to engage. These people are not about engagement.

Yes, like you say, once every developing nations reaches the similar level of wealth (home PCs) and connectivity, you are likely to see the same patterns place out time and time again. Cyber war games.

Who is signing up to face or monitor that?
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