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Just found out about Free Software Foundation credit card

Similar credit card program for Linux exists since ~ 2001 - 2002

So may be Wikimedia Foundation could be interested in similar program?

Just think of the advertising possibilities: "Jimmy Wales did it. Carolyn Doran did it. Now you too can run your personal expenses through your very own Wikimedia Foundation Credit Card!"
Milton Roe
QUOTE(anthony @ Fri 23rd October 2009, 3:19pm) *


Just found out about Free Software Foundation credit card

Similar credit card program for Linux exists since ~ 2001 - 2002

So may be Wikimedia Foundation could be interested in similar program?

Just think of the advertising possibilities: "Jimmy Wales did it. Carolyn Doran did it. Now you too can run your personal expenses through your very own Wikimedia Foundation Credit Card!"

Can I EVEN use it to pay my bail and get out of jail? rolleyes.gif

biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
"Cardholders will be able to choose from one of several card designs, based on tasteful amateur photography from [[Penis]]."
Milton Roe
QUOTE(Krimpet @ Fri 23rd October 2009, 4:12pm) *

"Cardholders will be able to choose from one of several card designs, based on tasteful amateur photography from [[Penis]]."


This deserves a Capital One spoof with a Shankbone photo, but I'm definitely too lazy.

What's in YOUR wallet?

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