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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Andy Martin says that [b]Wikipedia and Wikimedia Foundation are pro-Obama tax ...[/b] (press release)
2009-12-17 07:44:26 - Martin says that Wikimedia/Wikipedia “trustees” defraud federal and state judges into thinking these operations are open and honest, ...

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I hadn't hitherto heard of this guy, but my favourite line from his Wikipedia article is "Martin claimed that the anti-Semitic comments were inserted into his court papers by malicious Jews."

Edit: Sadly, the source (the New York Times) actually quotes him as blaming malicious judges, not Jews. I've made the fix.

Edit #2: It's okay, though - it persisted for less than two months.
The Joy
A friend of yours, Victim of Censorship? You did mention that you were in contact with certain politicians at one point.

We may want to keep an eye on Mr. Martin's article. Pro-Wikipedians and political nastiness could break out there fairly soon. dry.gif

Andy Martin (U.S. politician) (T-H-L-K-D)
Oh, splendid. Andy's going to tarnish by association any future legitimate tort against the WMF. I hope that any NYC Wikipedians and Reviewers alike attend Mr. Martin's "press conference" today at 5:00 PM, in his hotel suite. Count the number of media attending. I predict two -- and Brooklyn Rail.

Worst of all... Martin uses an AOL e-mail address. Oy!
QUOTE(thekohser @ Thu 17th December 2009, 1:19pm) *

Oh, splendid. Andy's going to tarnish by association any future legitimate tort against the WMF. I hope that any NYC Wikipedians and Reviewers alike attend Mr. Martin's "press conference" today at 5:00 PM, in his hotel suite. Count the number of media attending. I predict two -- and Brooklyn Rail.

Worst of all... Martin uses an AOL e-mail address. Oy!

Yes, one might think that the self-declared "Internet Powerhouse" would be able to put out a simple press release. Is "protosocialist" some new code word that I'm not aware of?
QUOTE(thekohser @ Thu 17th December 2009, 7:19am) *

Oh, splendid. Andy's going to tarnish by association any future legitimate tort against the WMF. I hope that any NYC Wikipedians and Reviewers alike attend Mr. Martin's "press conference" today at 5:00 PM, in his hotel suite. Count the number of media attending. I predict two -- and Brooklyn Rail.

Worst of all... Martin uses an AOL e-mail address. Oy!

No, this is the worst bit:
Martin is in New York for the Second national Conference on Barack Obama’s Missing Birth Certificate and College Records.

Oy gavalt!
victim of censorship
QUOTE(The Joy @ Thu 17th December 2009, 7:19am) *

A friend of yours, Victim of Censorship? You did mention that you were in contact with certain politicians at one point.

We may want to keep an eye on Mr. Martin's article. Pro-Wikipedians and political nastiness could break out there fairly soon. dry.gif

Andy Martin (U.S. politician) (T-H-L-K-D)

I have meet Mr. Martin on two occasions, at party fundraisers.

Mr. Martin has, on number occasions attacked local friends of mine, and slandered them in open court, (18the Circuit court of Illinois). Most of his lawsuits are not competent and fail due to lack of sound basis to to file. Mr. Martin is a vexatious litigant and a pariah in all levels of republican politics.

It is my guess, the suit is in NY state court, due in part, that Mr Andy (Anthony R. Martin-Trigona) is banned from filing in Federal court, unless it passes muster with a Federal judge. Mr. Martin is considered, in federal court to be a vexatious litigant. Some information on Mr Martin's vexation.

Mr. Martin used to be a democrat, and now is a Republican, who is not very well liked by 99% of the regular republicans in the state of Illinois. None of my political friends (which I have many) like Mr. Martin and would love to see him disappear from the political scene.

Mr. Martin, is not my friend.

<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Andy Martin: [b]Wikipedia Is A Pro-Obama, Tax-Exempt Scam, Senate Candidate Claims[/b]
Huffington Post (blog)
Andy Martin, a US senate candidate, has hit Wikipedia and Wikimedia with a fraud lawsuit, alleging the two foundations are running "a tax-exempt ...

and more »

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nice maybe now we can get some action... Don't forget about Wikia nofollow links and the need for flagged revisions, Senator!...

quick... someone invite him to Wikipedia Review! laugh.gif laugh.gif smile.gif
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