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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Fun with [b]Wikipedia: Click to Jesus[/b]
Boing Boing (blog)
Working between Christmas and New Year's? Still with relatives for the holidays and looking for a Christmas-themed way to pass the time till your flight ...

View the article
QUOTE(Andrea James)
1. Go over to Wikipedia.
2. Click "Random Article" just below the Wikipedia unfinished Death Star logo.
3. Choose the link in the article you think will get you closest to the Jesus article.
4. Keep track of the articles. Continue step 3 until you arrive at Jesus.

No comment. laugh.gif
1. Go over to Wikipedia.
2. Click "Random Article" just below the Wikipedia unfinished Death Star logo.
3. Choose the link in the article you think will get you closest to the Jesus article.
4. Keep track of the articles. Continue step 3 until you arrive at Jesus.

5 - ???????
6 - PROFIT!!!!!!
RDH(Ghost In The Machine)
QUOTE(Text @ Mon 28th December 2009, 8:45pm) *

1. Go over to Wikipedia.
2. Click "Random Article" just below the Wikipedia unfinished Death Star logo.
3. Choose the link in the article you think will get you closest to the Jesus article.
4. Keep track of the articles. Continue step 3 until you arrive at Jesus.

5 - ???????
6 - PROFIT!!!!!!

I've been involved with the One Laptop per Child project recently, and playing around with the laptop's Wikipedia app I thought of a variation on this game: play the part of the hypothetical child in Africa, choose a random article that the child would realistically be reading, and click until you reach a ridiculously gratuitous image.
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