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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />[b]Wikipedia experts wide of the Marc[/b]
News & Star
Wikipedia is the most popular online encyclopedia, even though its tagline – 'the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit' – should be cause for alarm. ...

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Milton Roe
QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Mon 4th January 2010, 9:41am) *

<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />[b]Wikipedia experts wide of the Marc[/b]
News & Star
Wikipedia is the most popular online encyclopedia, even though its tagline – 'the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit' – should be cause for alarm. ...

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QUOTE(Story above)

Many newspapers have been caught out when quoting ‘facts’ from Wikipedia which turned out to be wrong, having been posted by people who were either ignorant or mischievous.

Now a reader has cast doubt over some entries for Carlisle United players.

Wikipedia tells us that midfielder Graham Kavanagh is ‘known by his team mates as the sheep because of the grey hair and his voice’.

Reiver sincerely hopes this is true, but is it?

Striker Joe Anyinsah apparently ‘comes from a family of strong, athletic fans of football’.


The clincher for anyone doubting Wikipedia’s accuracy comes in the site’s entry for midfielder Marc Bridge-Wilkinson.

In 2007, we are unreliably informed, Bridge-Wilkinson ‘signed with Welsh club Carlisle United’.

ohmy.gif Thank god the critics didn't find any wrong facts about chromium oxidation states. happy.gif

I will note that the articles in question belong instead to a growing fraction of articles (now > than 1 in every 8) on English WP which are a real problem: BLP stubs and semi-stubs. Most of them on very minor sports and entertainment figures. Yes, edited by IPs who tend to insert junk which isn't always caught. And about figures so obscure that relatively few people look at or care about them.

And no, Wikipedia doesn't give a damn about factual distortion of them. To do so would be to admit that it's a site which has a major systemic problem which is igrowing and remains unaddressed.

For those of you who are interested in the larger problem, BLP stubs seem destined to take over Wikipedia eventually, since society can mint verifiable footballers far faster than scientists can discover new planets of the solar system. In fact, can mint them faster than just about any other class of science of history facts you can think of, with the possible exception of newly-discovered ant or bacterial species-- which in fact for this reason have their own set of wikis.

The system in place on is paralyzed, and not able to deal with this.

Hey, Wikipedia! Here's a perennial proposal: that you all pull your heads out of your own rears and FIXIT. As usual, I propose we start a BLP on Wikipedia for anybody who supports the status quo there. And then just let it sit there, as appropriate punishment for the Stupido.
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