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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Still awaiting [b]Wikipedia apology[/b]
These kinds of vicious, defamatory, ad hominem attacks are routinely posted on the site that bills itself as an online encyclopedia – despite employing ...

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Jon Awbrey
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Oh, here it is, way off to the right, of course …

Jon tongue.gif
The irony, of course, is that Farah's site hosts piles of venomous screeds that rival the worst BLP hit pieces that sneak past the Huggle hordes on WP. If he were actually serious about holding Wikipedia accountable, and that "the rule of law should apply equally to all," you'd think he'd clean his own house first. bored.gif
QUOTE(Krimpet @ Tue 12th January 2010, 11:18pm) *

The irony, of course, is that Farah's site hosts piles of venomous screeds that rival the worst BLP hit pieces that sneak past the Huggle hordes on WP. If he were actually serious about holding Wikipedia accountable, and that "the rule of law should apply equally to all," you'd think he'd clean his own house first. bored.gif

Holy pronoun weirdness, Batgirl confused.gif

The reality for Simpson, which Farah seems to have ignored, is that she will have to work twice as hard at the job being 1) a woman and 2) trans ... just to appear on a par with any guy who would have had the job. Especially when under the scrutiny of fucktards like Farah. Such is the way dry.gif
QUOTE(Krimpet @ Wed 13th January 2010, 2:18am) *

The irony, of course, is that Farah's site hosts piles of venomous screeds that rival the worst BLP hit pieces that sneak past the Huggle hordes on WP. If he were actually serious about holding Wikipedia accountable, and that "the rule of law should apply equally to all," you'd think he'd clean his own house first. bored.gif

I didn't know World Net Daily was a tax-advantaged 501-c-3 that bilked thousands out of $7.5 million last month?

Oh, and I didn't know that Farah's publishing of his own content on his own website is afforded the same Section 230 protections that the Wikimedia Foundation enjoys!


Try to keep up with us, folks.
QUOTE(thekohser @ Wed 13th January 2010, 7:17am) *

I didn't know World Net Daily was a tax-advantaged 501-c-3 that bilked thousands out of $7.5 million last month?

Oh, and I didn't know that Farah's publishing of his own content on his own website is afforded the same Section 230 protections that the Wikimedia Foundation enjoys!

Oh, there's plenty of things Farah could legitimately criticize about Wikipedia, like Section 230 exemption, or the anonymity and lack of accountability these BLP attackers are afforded (since his site's hit pieces at least have an identified author standing behind them). It's just ironic that Farah is only going after the "decency, good taste and decorum" of the content itself in his editorial. One would think he'd be in good company at Jimbo's "CiviliNation."
It is, admittedly, gravely disappointing that the guy who is willing to actually sue Jimmy Wales and the WMF has to panhandle for cash for his legal action fund, and he makes the mistake of "bundling" this anti-Wikipedia campaign with other axes to grind related to the "Muslim Mafia" and to climate change.

A pattern emerges that only fringe individuals have the motivation to sue Wikipedia's management, which is sooner or later going to lead to an ipso facto reaction from judges. Indeed, I would imagine that the WMF almost welcomes lawsuit threats from agitated individuals like Farah.

Siegenthaler should have scared them, but the concept of suing the WMF directly was too far-out at that time.
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