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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Indiana Department of Homeland Security violates [b]Wikipedia copyright[/b]
The Indiana Department of Homeland Security was revealed on Saturday to have violated the copyright of a number of contributors to online encyclopedia ...

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Wikinews contacted Jimmy Wales, the founder and chair emeritus of the foundation, for a statement regarding the issue. He expressed no concern about the issue, saying that "Wikipedia is widely famous for being something that you can freely copy, and we love it when people do it. Yes, there are rules about how to do it, but not everyone understands those rules at first. I'm sure it won't happen again, and I certainly am not particularly agitated about it."

Does Jimmy understand the difference between "rules" and "laws"?

Does Jimmy have any understanding of how it feels to have content you've produced yourself misused by others?

I suspect not, because he frequently flouts the law, and he's never produced any content of substance on his own, so he knows not the personal affront when such content is misattributed.
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