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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />[b]Wikipedia FAIL, 10 Word Wiki Great Success[/b]
BlackBook Magazine
Wikipedia is the greatest thing that ever happened to the uninformed masses. Thanks to Wikipedia, I often come off as well-read and versed on a number of ...

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RDH(Ghost In The Machine)
This one I dug!
A nice dosage of lulz wub.gif
There's no entry for Jimmy Wales yet.

He parlayed porn portal into a popular role playing game.
RDH(Ghost In The Machine)
QUOTE(tarantino @ Sun 28th February 2010, 4:36am) *

There's no entry for Jimmy Wales yet.

He parlayed porn portal into a popular role playing game.

I dunno, I think this wrong version does a pretty decent job rolleyes.gif

Err I mean how about-
Jimmy Wales-is a super smart rocket scientist and unstoppable love machine.

Really, though Jimmy is as much a brilliant biddness man as Chauncey Gardener was a genius statesman.
Remember, WP was more the product of accidental mutation than a Frankenstein by design.

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