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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />How [b]Wikipedia Turned PPC / Paid Search Into SEM[/b]
Search Engine Land (blog)
What's search engine marketing? If you ask Wikipedia, it's currently defined as the act of buying listings on search engines. That's not how SEM started out ...

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There's more to this article than meets the eye; and especially so if they accept my comment on it.

For another look at how ridiculous Wikipedia can be with the back-and-forth “facts” (even simple ones), you may enjoy reading this:

Meanwhile, I’m not going to show disrespect for Jonathan Hochman, but I do have to wonder how he manages to get “real work” done, with all of the time he spends on Wikipedia. Over 28,000 edits:

Heck, I *own* a wiki site (with over 50,000 pages), and I have maybe one-quarter that edit count — much of it slapping {{Greeting}} template on new editors’ User talk pages (which takes about 8 seconds). Hochman’s typical edits require quite a bit of time, conjecture, and word choice:

I’ll never forget one exchange I had with Hochman. First, from out of the blue, he wrote this about my enterprise on Wikipedia:

In fact, Wikipedia Review had no interest whatsoever in the Orbitz Worldwide “affair”. So, I called Hochman to ask, “What are you talking about in that edit, that you have ‘information that is not public’?”

He IMMEDIATELY said, “Do you want me to delete that? I can delete that, because I have no interest in embarrassing you publicly.”

What the hell? Very fishy.
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