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Video interview with "Twitter-sourced" questions.

You are Jimmy Wales; you're the founder / co-founder of Wikipedia?

JW: Yes.

Wikia is...

JW: A completely separate for-profit company...

The guy's a broken record.

EDIT: Wow, at 4:11, he doesn't know the total headcount at Wikia, Inc., having to look to his Manchurian manipulator off camera. WTF? Is Jimbo doing an interview with Gil Penchina's hand up his back?

ADDITIONAL EDIT: Holy smokes -- 5:37, Jimbo "loves the idea" of paying content contributors.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(thekohser @ Thu 11th March 2010, 1:59pm) *

ADDITIONAL EDIT: Holy smokes -- 5:37, Jimbo "loves the idea" of paying content contributors.

Too bad the interviewer with the earplug is never omnicient and can say, right on the spot, "Say, if that's so, didn't you ban somebody from Wikipedia for offering to write content on Wikipedia for pay...?"

"Uh, no, I didn't ban him for that."

"For what, then?"

But of course, info transfer is not QUITE that fast. So con artists can still scam in real-time, though (at least in presidential debates) they do start to take factual flack within an hour, if there are resources to make it happen.

He goes on to explain that he was talking about paid editing on Wikia. For the same to take place on Wikipedia, he says there would need to be money available for that, and "there's just no money".


There's $10.4 million, I thought.

If that's too nebulous a number for him to wrap his head around, maybe he could look at that $19,200 that they returned to Greenspun when "Perfect Day Elise" screwed up the $20,000 grant for paid images.
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