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It had a good term... "Digital Maoism"

And apparently, rbj, a guy that started bullying on a friend of mine, called me "toxic" on this thing.
Maybe this thread should be moved somewhere where it won't get bumped as quickly?

"Robert" from Burlington, VT: "It was ridiculous how toxic this guy was"...

The friend was Rchamberlain? Blocked by Phroziac on 22 December (after four previous blocks for revert-warring) for reverting Rchamberlain's talk page when he tried to blank it, after which he accused Wikipedia of being "run like a Stalinist regime"...? Using edit summaries like "You cannot escape the inquisition," "denial ain't just a river in Egypt," and "you're deaf (either that or a close-minded egotistical arrogant jerk)"...? Blocked two more times for personal attacks...?

Sounds like a real winner! He's probably been waiting for a payback chance like this for months, and the sad thing is, I doubt it will satisfy him. He might never be satisfied... I just get that, I dunno, can't let go vibe from the guy.

And this all started because Rchamberlain wanted to remove the word "Roman" from the Roman Catholic Church link (though not from the actual link itself) in the "Mennonite" article, and rbt didn't think this was appropriate? Just what is it about Mennonites, anyway? Those guys are nothing but trouble, if you ask me...

And hey, "Mike from Des Moines" - WTF, man? Us Des Moines people are supposed to stick together! You're letting the whole city down! Just don't get into Uncyclopedia, dude - they'll think you're me, and that would probably be bad.

And I wonder who "Linda from Iowa City" is? College professor, must be University of Iowa - there can't be more than a dozen or so Linda's on the faculty there. Unless she's a TA, but she sure didn't sound like one.

Linda, if you're reading this, join us! We need more like you!
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