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From the Times Online ... A Day in the Life of one of the world's 100 most influence people. Jimmy Wales CO-founder of Wikipedia.
The Wikipedia communities around the world have strong beliefs about quality, thoughtfulness and being kind to each other.

Wikipedia is a non-profit organisation. We rely on donations from our users and we need to constantly make sure that we're conducting ourselves in a way that is consistent with our core values.

Sometimes there needs to be nurturing and guidance from the leaders. A lot of my work is social.

Does anyone have the URL of this other Wikipedia?
Eva Destruction
QUOTE(Cock-up-over-conspiracy @ Wed 17th March 2010, 10:31pm) *

From the Times Online ... A Day in the Life of one of the world's 100 most influence people. Jimmy Wales CO-founder of Wikipedia.
The Wikipedia communities around the world have strong beliefs about quality, thoughtfulness and being kind to each other.

Wikipedia is a non-profit organisation. We rely on donations from our users and we need to constantly make sure that we're conducting ourselves in a way that is consistent with our core values.

Sometimes there needs to be nurturing and guidance from the leaders. A lot of my work is social.

Does anyone have the URL of this other Wikipedia?

Can't see anything to argue with. They may be shitty at putting the ideals into practice, but I don't doubt that the vast majority there (or anywhere) think that whatever they're doing is improving the quality. Likewise, I don't doubt that Jimbo believes that whatever he's doing, he's doing for the best; his problem is that he changes his principles more often than his pants, not that he doesn't have any principles at all.
This is a man who doesn't even know how to write a Wikipedia article. All he knows how to do is completely mishandle community affairs through occasional misguided interventions--and of course, how to milk his undeserved fame, which was established through the work of others, for all it's worth. He's actually really good at that last one. He's kinda like Paris Hilton, but without the sex appeal.
QUOTE(everyking @ Thu 18th March 2010, 12:11am) *

This is a man who doesn't even know how to write a Wikipedia article. All he knows how to do is completely mishandle community affairs through occasional misguided interventions--and of course, how to milk his undeserved fame, which was established through the work of others, for all it's worth. He's actually really good at that last one. He's kinda like Paris Hilton, but without the sex appeal.

yecch.gif You're just jealous.
Eva Destruction
I love the way the worst insult you can think of is "doesn't even know how to write a Wikipedia article".
Milton Roe
QUOTE(Cock-up-over-conspiracy @ Wed 17th March 2010, 3:31pm) *

From the Times Online ... A Day in the Life of one of the world's 100 most influence people. Jimmy Wales CO-founder of Wikipedia.
The Wikipedia communities around the world have strong beliefs about quality, thoughtfulness and being kind to each other.

Wikipedia is a non-profit organisation. We rely on donations from our users and we need to constantly make sure that we're conducting ourselves in a way that is consistent with our core values.

Sometimes there needs to be nurturing and guidance from the leaders. A lot of my work is social.

Does anyone have the URL of this other Wikipedia?

I think it's an alternate-universe one where Jimbo is always clean-shaven. Our bad luck to have evil-wikipedia and evil-Jimbo. unhappy.gif
QUOTE(everyking @ Thu 18th March 2010, 12:11am) *
He's kinda like Paris Hilton, but without the sex appeal.
QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Thu 18th March 2010, 12:59am) *
I think it's an alternate-universe one where Jimbo is always clean-shaven. Our bad luck to have evil-wikipedia and evil-Jimbo. unhappy.gif

Congratulations to Milton for discretely picking up the Paris Hilton connection.

But, honestly, "quality, thoughtfulness and being kind to each other"!?! I could not believe the audacity of the sound bite when I read it.
Subtle Bee
QUOTE(Cock-up-over-conspiracy @ Wed 17th March 2010, 10:07pm) *

QUOTE(everyking @ Thu 18th March 2010, 12:11am) *
He's kinda like Paris Hilton, but without the sex appeal.
QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Thu 18th March 2010, 12:59am) *
I think it's an alternate-universe one where Jimbo is always clean-shaven. Our bad luck to have evil-wikipedia and evil-Jimbo. unhappy.gif

Congratulations to Milton for discretely picking up the Paris Hilton connection.

But, honestly, "quality, thoughtfulness and being kind to each other"!?! I could not believe the audacity of the sound bite when I read it.

I rather thought he was just being a trek nerd.

One of us is probably wrong...
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