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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />New [b]Wikipedia Layout 2010: PICTURE Of The 'Vector' Redesign[/b]
Huffington Post (blog)
Wikipedia's new layout, called 'Vector,' will be rolled out on April 5, and the design changes are geared at improving the user experience and enabling ...

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Sure would be nice if HuffPo's site would allow me to sign in and Comment.

Ah, never mind -- I got it to work.

Wow. So this half-assed Band-Aid is what $10.4 million in 2009 donations to the Wikimedia Foundation buys? Now I can see why they tried to hide the usability team over at Jimmy Wales' FOR-PROFIT company, Wikia, Inc.

In case you don't know what a "wired deal" looks like:
Eva Destruction
Much as it pains me to agree with Greg, I do. Serious question; could any of the Defenders Of The Wiki explain how these changes are an improvement that justifies the barrage of press releases spewing forth from the WMF? I honestly can't see it—"old design" and "new design" look exactly the same to me other than the order of the tabs at the top of the page.
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