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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Q&A: [b]Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales on the Virtues of Openness[/b]
In the history of modern media, it's unlikely that anyone of similar size or scale has embraced open principles more than Wikipedia. ...

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Although the site has a team of editors, known internally as "the cabal"...

...if you think about Wikipedia, Wikipedia has a business model, but it's not a business—it's a charity, and its business model, so to speak, is getting people to donate because they love Wikipedia...
Jon Awbrey
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QUOTE(Jimmy Wales)
My view is that good community management is like having good municipal government: You should be able to have dissenting opinions and so on, freedom of speech, but your grandmother should also be able to walk down the street at night without having to worry about getting mugged. It's a balance that you have to strike, where if you leave it alone then the trolls take over, but if you're too central and controlling, then you can crush it, and we try to strike that balance.

Color me crushed and mugged by the thuggish central cabal, for having the temerity to express a dissenting opinion (namely that WP should strive for accuracy, ethics, and excellence in online media). What a foolish thing to have proposed to the ethically challenged thugs of IDCab.
Bloomberg isn't so helpful when it comes to finding out more about Jimbo sycophant and quasi-journalist Matthew Ingram. That's quite a biography, huh?

Maybe he's listed in the general "Editorial Bios" page. Nope, guess not...

Editorial Bios

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To me, how is this any better than Matthew Ingram being a pseudonymous blogger?

Oh, wait! I see that Matthew Ingram (of the Globe & Mail) once presented a workshop for journalists on "How to use Twitter".


And, ultimately, it seems that Twitter is the better place to go learn about Matthew Ingram, rather than the Bloomberg site that publishes his interview with Jimbo.

I'm a senior writer at GigaOm, a former journalist with the Globe and Mail and co-founder of the mesh conference in Toronto

No wonder these interviews with Jimbo are so glowing with adulation. They make sure that "true believers" are the reporters.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(Moulton @ Sun 2nd May 2010, 1:08am) *

QUOTE(Jimmy Wales)
My view is that good community management is like having good municipal government: You should be able to have dissenting opinions and so on, freedom of speech, but your grandmother should also be able to walk down the street at night without having to worry about getting mugged. It's a balance that you have to strike, where if you leave it alone then the trolls take over, but if you're too central and controlling, then you can crush it, and we try to strike that balance.

Color me crushed and mugged by the thuggish central cabal, for having the temerity to express a dissenting opinion (namely that WP should strive for accuracy, ethics, and excellence in online media). What a foolish thing to have proposed to the ethically challenged thugs of IDCab.

So Jimbo was merely trying to save site users from being mugged by trolls?

But Jimbo, in an analogous situtuation, your grandmother is hardly free to simply ignore her muggers. You forget that it takes two to tango with a troll. (here I presume somebody making provocative comments on TALK pages, not provocative edits on projectspace pages).

Which kind of "troll" did you ban in the name of town safety? Is this so that your beloved grandmother would not be drawn into any intellectual arguments which would strain her aging brain? unhappy.gif
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(thekohser @ Sun 2nd May 2010, 9:51am) *

No wonder these interviews with Jimbo are so glowing with adulation. They make sure that "true believers" are the reporters.

Yet another case of symbiotic hucksterism parading as journalism.

Pretty soon we won't have anything else.

Jon dry.gif
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