Who Really Killed Media? Craig 'Craigslist' Newmark? Jimmy 'Wikipedia' Wales? Oprah?

Simon Dumenco, AdAge.com

I have something to get off my chest: At 3 a.m. recently in a smoky dance club in Valencia, Spain, I had a beery epiphany about The End of the Media World As We Know It as I watched Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia, snake through the crowd as part of an ad hoc conga line -- the sight of which also triggered a flashback...

Jimmy and I talked about Wikia (his for-profit web hosting service for wikis), Twitter, "Glee" (which is huge on both Twitter and Wikia) ... and a blond gal who kept flirting and dancing with him earlier in the night. (Jimmy, who is single, didn't push his luck with her because he wasn't sure if she was single. He thought she might have a boyfriend, he told me, because at one point he saw her ask a guy friend to go get something out of her purse. I told Jimmy that a guy who was nice enough to do that was maybe just her gay sidekick.)...

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