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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Why The First Version Of [b]Wikipedia Failed[/b]
The Business Insider
The first version of what is now Wikipedia was called Newpedia. Its users had to fax their diplomas and pass a seven-stage review process to prove that they ...

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Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Tue 4th May 2010, 3:18pm) *

Why The First Version Of Wikipedia Failed

The Business Insider

The first version of what is now Wikipedia was called Newpedia. Its users had to fax their diplomas and pass a seven-stage review process to prove that they … new how 2 youse a spiel chucker …

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Larry Sanger
Is Jimmy Wales still lying about Nupedia? What a jerk.

"Its users had to fax their diplomas and pass a seven-stage review process to prove that they are qualified to contribute."

No they didn't. The articles had to pass a 7-stage review process (yes, that was extreme). There was one person who faxed his diploma in when he had no other way to establish his bona fides.

I refuse to watch this video, though. It'll just make me mad.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Tue 4th May 2010, 12:26pm) *

QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Tue 4th May 2010, 3:18pm) *

Why The First Version Of Wikipedia Failed

The Business Insider

The first version of what is now Wikipedia was called Newpedia. Its users had to fax their diplomas and pass a seven-stage review process to prove that they … new how 2 youse a spiel chucker …

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That's it! Damit, Jimbo, I'm a Doctor of Philosophy, not a walking distionary and spelchecker and all tht carp.. hrmph.gif

And thus began the exodus of the bored experts, replaced by the nitpicky knownothings. ohmy.gif
The Business Insider is running these little clips of Internet fraudster Henry Blodget interviewing Internet fraudster Jimmy Wales.

How long before video producer Kamelia Angelova quits her job? It's getting almost painful to watch. Does she simply not know the truth, or does she really, really, really need this job?
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