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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />[b]Wikipedia not showing properly in Apple's Dictionary[/b]
CNET (blog)
Apple's Dictionary application is useful for grabbing information about items, either by looking them up in the dictionary or thesaurus, ...

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Here's a fixed link.

Another big win for the Usability Team and their "Vector" skin!
QUOTE(thekohser @ Tue 1st June 2010, 12:02pm) *

Here's a fixed link.

Another big win for the Usability Team and their "Vector" skin!

Heh, I expected to see something more like the Cupertino effect. Nothing wrong with experimenting with new skins, but changing the default was a really stupid idea.

Apple (or whoever) can fix their shit easily by adding &useskin=monobook to their urls (but they shouldn't have needed to).

Human readers will have a harder time because if they follow a link to another page the skin will reset to "vector", unless one is a registered user with preferences set, whereas most readers aren't.

One modest little "usability initiative" (short of reverting the entire steaming pile of change-for-its-own-sake) would be to append the same &useskin=whatever to all outbound links on a page if/when such a parameter is present in the current url. If they're worried about page-render/caching issues they can implement this as trivial javascript function and enable it for everybody via wikibits.js or somesuch. Somebody will think them for it later.

I'd give it a year or two before (thanks to the progressive dancing pigs initiative) you need to download special plug-ins just to edit.
Comment on CNET:
by thekohser June 1, 2010 7:06 AM PDT
I find it fascinating that the Wikipedia "Usability Team" (a team that was for several months housed in office space rented from the for-profit Wikia, Inc. -- whose president sits on the Board of Trustees of the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation -- after a wired self-dealt request for bids found that Wikia's higher-priced bid was magically selected as the best one) claims that they tested the new "Vector" skin with over 500,000 beta subjects, but they never discovered this problem with Apple dictionary, nor that Vector crashes on just about every BlackBerry browser out there.

I hope the Ruth and Frank Stanton Fund is happy with how the Wikimedia Foundation spent their $800,000+ grant, siphoning office lease money to one of the board members' companies, and making Wikipedia incompatible for millions of access points. Win win!
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