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Online editors battle over congressman's Wikipedia entry
North Adams Transcript, MA - 29 minutes ago
... One side believes that Meehan's staff deleting controversial information from his Wikipedia entry is relevant material for a factual and objective online source ...
And indeed, I too look at this "like a Star Trek chatroom"...

We might add "the Marty Meehan situation" to the list of "hive-mind behavior" examples, if it isn't already on it (and if such a list even exists)... In his case, said handlers are saying that the fact that they edited his Wikipedia bio to remove certain less-than-convenient tidbits of information is "trivia," and therefore unworthy of inclusion -- whereas of course, the Faithful are wanting to make that, shall we say, much more prominent.

Standard-issue failure of perspective. After all, it's not like U.S. politicians are supposed to be scrupulous... Otherwise they'd never get elected, right? That's the whole point!
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