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Founders Seek Wikipedia Quality Improvements – Report
X-bit Labs, CA - 1 hour ago
For years the famous edition has had no real rivals, but with the foundation of Wikipedia the things, it seemed, have changed. With ...
The founder of Wikipedia on Friday urged contributors to the free Internet encyclopedia to put more emphasis on quality instead of quantity.
This is yet another one of those scratch-your-head-and-wonder articles. Essentially it says that Wikipedia is striving to "improve quality," and this is how they're going to do it:

QUOTE(p2pnet @ Wed 9th August 2006)

“An editing tool called 'Wikiwyg' - 'wyg' stands for 'what you get' - should make it easier to change articles ... As of now, readers who click 'edit this page' on a Wikipedia entry are confronted with a bit of programming code that ... can scare off less technologically savvy users, denying Wikipedia their expertise."

“...encouraging the community to allow fewer unsourced claims in biographies of living people.”

Is that it?

Sure, both of these "innovations" are laudable, but I honestly don't see how either of them will improve "quality" in any way whatsoever. Making it easier for people to do nice formatting is going to improve quality? How, exactly? And as for the other thing, does this mean it's OK to libel someone, as long as you provide a source? Who's to say this hypothetical "source" isn't committing libel too?

Anyway, if that's the best they can come up with, I think we can safely say that Wikipedia's "quality" levels will continue to decline in the months and years to come.
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Wikipedia wants Britannica quality
Agoravox, France - 49 minutes ago
The second annual Wikimania conference featured him as the keynote speaker and while Wikipedia, “may not be as hip as YouTube or MySpace, it certainly sucks ...
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<img src= width=69 height=79 alt="" border=1>Wikipedia wants Britannica quality, Canada - 2 hours ago News:- Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales says users should put more emphasis on quality than quantity. The second annual ...
I think that on the first point they're saying that a lot of under 16s are being deterred from editing articles, so their numbers should increase once the new tool is in.

On the second point, of course there's lots of rubbish that can be quoted as sources, but it will make it more difficult for people to invent their own rubbish.
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