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Not exactly about "Wikipedia", but Jimmy Wales' "Search Wikia" gets a one-paragraph criticism.
QUOTE(thekohser @ Mon 9th August 2010, 12:11pm) *

Not exactly about "Wikipedia", but Jimmy Wales' "Search Wikia" gets a one-paragraph criticism.

"Facebook Questions is a new feature that allows anyone on Facebook to ask questions of the entire set of 500 million Facebook users-and to contribute answers to the questions of others."

I wonder if Obesity knows about this?
QUOTE(TungstenCarbide @ Mon 9th August 2010, 8:28am) *
"Facebook Questions is a new feature that allows anyone on Facebook to ask questions of the entire set of 500 million Facebook users-and to contribute answers to the questions of others."

Been there, done that. (No T-shirt, no barnstar.)
QUOTE(thekohser @ Mon 9th August 2010, 12:11pm) *

Not exactly about "Wikipedia", but Jimmy Wales' "Search Wikia" gets a one-paragraph criticism.

I'm not a fan of "crowd-sourced" answer systems in general. They seem to work fairly poorly for even simple fact seeking questions due to the number of people eager to help despite not knowing the answer. The only place I've seen crowd-sourced answers work well is Metafilter and that's likely because of the "crowd" that they have attracted. By that measure, Facebook Q&A should be terrible.
QUOTE(carbuncle @ Mon 9th August 2010, 1:01pm) *

I'm not a fan of "crowd-sourced" answer systems in general. They seem to work fairly poorly for even simple fact seeking questions due to the number of people eager to help despite not knowing the answer. The only place I've seen crowd-sourced answers work well is Metafilter and that's likely because of the "crowd" that they have attracted. By that measure, Facebook Q&A should be terrible.

I second this.

I do not, however, think that anyone at Facebook will care, even if it is terrible, as long as there isn't some big row over how terrible it is (like over "How is babby formed?" on Yahoo! Answers). The whole point is to make Facebook ever more of a timesuck. They will continue to try to add features like this until they realize that they're the new MySpace, and everyone is moving on to the Next Big Thing. I have little sympathy for them. yecch.gif
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