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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />[b]Wikipedia's commercial arm targets European brands[/b]
Wikia, the commercial version of the online encyclopaedia Wikipedia, is opening a London-based sales house to ...

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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />[b]Wikipedia's commercial arm targets European brands[/b]
Media Week (registration)
Wikia, the commercial version of the online encyclopaedia Wikipedia, is opening a London-based sales house to service European brands and advertising ...

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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />[b]Wikipedia's Wales' commercial venture targets European brands[/b]
Media Week (registration)
Wikia, the commercial venture backed by the founder of online encyclopaedia Wikipedia Jimmy Wales, is opening a London-based sales house to service European ...

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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />[b]Wikipedia's Wales' commercial venture targets European brands[/b]
Wikia, the commercial venture backed by the founder of online encyclopaedia Wikipedia Jimmy Wales, ...

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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />mad.gifb]Wikipedia's Wales' commercial venture targets European brands[/b]
Wikia, the commercial venture backed by the founder of online encyclopaedia Wikipedia Jimmy Wales, ...

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It's funny to me, that "Wikia" or "Wikia, Inc." are so unknown to the wider world, that journalists have to go through such machinations to get the story back around to something they've heard of (i.e., "Wikipedia"). Seriously, how ridiculous is a headline like "Wikipedia's Wales'..."?

Further demonstrating that Wales would be nothing without Sanger's invention, Wikipedia. And that Wikia would be nothing without Sanger's invention, Wikipedia.
QUOTE(thekohser @ Thu 12th August 2010, 12:59pm) *
Sanger's invention, Wikipedia

Please, Greg. dry.gif Sanger's not the sole founder of Wikipedia, and you're being worse than Jimbo in trying to claim that he is. yecch.gif

Neither Wales nor Sanger deserves that title. The real story is far more nuanced. hrmph.gif
Hey did they just snip Gerard's screed from the comments?
QUOTE(Seurat @ Thu 12th August 2010, 2:01pm) *

QUOTE(thekohser @ Thu 12th August 2010, 12:59pm) *
Sanger's invention, Wikipedia

Please, Greg. dry.gif Sanger's not the sole founder of Wikipedia, and you're being worse than Jimbo in trying to claim that he is. yecch.gif

Neither Wales nor Sanger deserves that title. The real story is far more nuanced. hrmph.gif

I didn't call him the "founder", I said it was his "invention", as in, spawned from his mind.

QUOTE(lilburne @ Thu 12th August 2010, 2:48pm) *

Hey did they just snip Gerard's screed from the comments?

Gerard's screed is on another article.
QUOTE(thekohser @ Thu 12th August 2010, 7:02pm) *
I didn't call him the "founder", I said it was his "invention", as in, spawned from his mind.

I didn't realize I was slicing open a straw man. After all, in your words:
Dr. Larry Sanger was more "the founder of Wikipedia" than Jimmy Wales.

I never knew it all spawned (lovely sick.gif choice of words) from Sanger's head; I was always under the impression that Ben Kovitz was the bright one. Wales, on the other hand, seems to be the originator of the "free encyclopedia" idea, insofar as he was inspired to start Nupedia.

In any case, there's little doubt that your comment at the article was an attack, hence your focus on Wales' failed endeavours. I find this distasteful. Should I attack Sanger because Citizendium has only 20-odd persistent editors, or because apparently no one has heard of WatchKnow? I don't want to push that sort of thing, but what you wrote comes across similarly. dry.gif

Please don't make me defend Wales. fear.gif Instead, consider how you can make your comments more cogent, on-topic, and civil. Criticism, not attacks.

Milton Roe
QUOTE(Seurat @ Thu 12th August 2010, 3:42pm) *

I never knew it all spawned (lovely sick.gif choice of words) from Sanger's head;

Well, I like it!

Milton Roe
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