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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Blake Lively Turns To '[b]Wikipedia' For Green Lantern Roll?[/b]
Post Chronicle
by Staff Gossip Girl star Blake Lively turned to the internet when she was offered a role in Green Lantern - because she had never heard of the comic book ...

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A comic book store would be a good place to do research, but that would require leaving your house.

A "Green Lantern Roll" might be tasty, but that power ring would be pretty crunchy.

QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Thu 12th August 2010, 5:39pm) *

Gossip Girl star Blake Lively turned to the internet when she was offered a role in Green Lantern - because she had never heard of the comic book ...

Looks like she didn't need to research the role or even the roll. She's quite green enough already.
Lively tells Empire magazine, "I didn't know anything about Green Lantern. I went on Wikipedia - it was like a different language!"

Hmmm - wonder which Wikipedia she found? wacko.gif
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