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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />The wicked truth about [b]Wikipedia[/b]
San Bernardino Sun
Breathtaking advances in computer-driven communications technology have made it possible for nobodies to become somebodies overnight with a simple flip of a ...

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A gleaming symbol of this cultural change is Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia that pops up ubiquitously whenever one trolls for information on almost any subject. Wikipedia bills itself
as "the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit." In fact, readers are invited to "edit articles right now, even without logging in."

That's right, you actually can change what the encyclopedia says, any time you like, in any way you like. Feuding with your neighbor? You can implicate him in the assassination of JFK, by editing Wikipedia to say so.

Naturally, alterations are reviewed, and reversed when necessary by Wikipedia personnel. As the website states, "Inappropriate changes are usually removed quickly, and repeat offenders can be blocked from editing."

But for a short time, at least, you can have it your way. Let your neighbor beware.

Obviously, Wikipedia is a new kind of encyclopedia. Unlike encyclopedias of the past, which represented the compiled consensus wisdom of the leading scholars and experts of the day, Wikipedia is an open book, a work-in- progress, to which anyone can contribute anything, at any time. It represents the compiled consensus wisdom of Tom, Dick and Harry.

It's the encyclopedia of, by and for amateurs.

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