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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />[b]Wikipedia: cuts through bureaucracy, gets down to the meat[/b]
SDSU Collegian
Wikipedia democratizes knowledge. What its critics fault as its weakness is also its greatest asset. Anyone can contribute. It's based on the notion of an ...

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This "journalist" Keith Brumley is a real winner.

Peter Froelich of the Sociology Department occasionally uses Google to look up something peaking his curiosity.

QUOTE advice for all is to use it with discernment, question it and look for collaborating facts.

You go get those tough stories, kid.
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(thekohser @ Wed 29th September 2010, 10:34pm) *

This "journalist" Keith Brumley is a real winner.


Peter Froelich of the Sociology Department occasionally uses Google to look up something peaking his curiosity.


… my advice for all is to use it with discernment, question it and look for collaborating facts.

You go get those tough stories, kid.

Q. Why did Edmund Hillary climb Mt. Everest?
A. Because it kept peaking his curiosity.

I read this somewhat charitably — thinking, well, okay, some routine freshman essay recycled as an article — then I got to the end where it said “SDSU alumnus and current journalism graduate student at SDSU” …

Jon ohmy.gif
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