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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />The 12 Most Amazing (and Useless) [b]Wikipedia Pages[/b]
Professors, you're wrong like King Kong. Wikipedia's error rate is comparable to the Encyclopedia Britannica's, according to the Wikipedia article on the ...

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This article is a waste of space.
QUOTE(thekohser @ Fri 22nd October 2010, 12:17pm) *

This article is a waste of space.

That whole website is basically inane humor.
But it does help to remind us what Wikipedia's greatest talent is....

If you look at the Alpha Flight article, and follow the link to Marrina Smallwood:

She left home as an adolescent of sixteen years of age to join Beta Flight, a team of super-heroes trained and funded by the Canadian government. After performing well in Beta Flight, Marrina was promoted to Alpha Flight, although her field duties only began after the team went freelance.[1] She then learned of her alien origin when captured by the Master, and was rescued by Alpha Flight and Namor the Sub-Mariner.[1] After being a member of Alpha Flight for a time, Marrina was captured by Attuma, and reverted to savagery for the first time but overcame it. Marrina left Alpha Flight to marry her lover, Namor.[2] She served alongside him on Avengers missions and received honorary membership, and also served as the queen of Deluvia.

When she became pregnant, the Plodex DNA reacted to her condition by turning her into a savage beast in the North Atlantic Ocean, a Leviathan. Namor was forced to slay her, impaling her with the Black Knight's enchanted Ebony Blade.[3]

However, Llan the Sorcerer later told the self-proclaimed Master of the World that, "Now she sleeps a false death under the waves."[4] This fact was revisited later when Warbird broke into the Master's lair where (unseen by Warbird) Marrina's body floated in a watery tank.[5]

Nerds!!! NERDS!!!!
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