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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />[b]Wikipedia's General Counsel Says Goodbye[/b]
Corporate Counsel
With just one day's notice to the staff, Mike Godwin left his job as Wikimedia Foundation's general counsel on Friday. Certainly one of the most colorful ...

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This report cites my article, but the author has somehow confused the concept of "Tuesday" with that of "Thursday".
I guess they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery:

Kohs: Certainly, some would have questions about the financial consequences of the severance. Gardner had at the ready a mysterious answer about that too, considering most of the Foundation's bookkeeping is disclosed annually via a detailed Form 990 filed with the IRS and available to the public...

Paine (three days later): In terms of questions about the financial consequences of Godwin's severance, Gardner had another cryptic answer at the ready (when you consider that the majority of Wikimedia's pay numbers are disclosed publicly each year in a detailed Form 990 filed with the IRS)...
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