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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />[b]Wikipedia set to expand presence in 'Global South'[/b]
Economic Times
MUMBAI: Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales , who will be in India next week to drum up awareness about the online encyclopedia and increase Indian language ...

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QUOTE(aforelinked article)

This is not [Jimbo's] first, but tenth visit to India, but possibly the one that is most public, as Wikipedia embarks on an initiative to expand in what it calls the Global South — countries in Asia (excluding Japan), Central and South America, Africa, Eastern Europe and Russia.

QUOTE(CharlotteWebb @ Thu 28th October 2010, 2:07am) *

QUOTE(aforelinked article)

This is not [Jimbo's] first, but tenth visit to India, but possibly the one that is most public, as Wikipedia embarks on an initiative to expand in what it calls the Global South — countries in Asia (excluding Japan), Central and South America, Africa, Eastern Europe and Russia.


It's a silly phrase, but one that I believe is the UN's fault, not Wikipedia. If I remember correctly, Global South is defined as any country with an HDI of less than 0.8, which is around three quarters of them.
It's a bit like "The West". Logically that should mean the hemisphere west of the 0 degrees meridian round to the Date Line, mainly the Americas plus little bits of Europe and Africa. In fact, it seems to mean "economically developed countries". Thus the term includes Western Europe, Japan, Australia and even New Zealand!
QUOTE(Gruntled @ Thu 28th October 2010, 11:08am) *

It's a bit like "The West". Logically that should mean the hemisphere west of the 0 degrees meridian round to the Date Line, mainly the Americas plus little bits of Europe and Africa. In fact, it seems to mean "economically developed countries". Thus the term includes Western Europe, Japan, Australia and even New Zealand!

As usual, xkcd flies in with a handy illustration.
QUOTE(aforelinked article)
This is not [Jimbo's] first, but tenth visit to India, but possibly the one that is most public, as Wikipedia embarks on an initiative to expand in what it calls the Global South — countries in Asia (excluding Japan), Central and South America, Africa, Eastern Europe and Russia.

Oh shit, wait until the Koreans get wind of the fact that Jimbo and the Wikipedia is bundling them in with "dirty Asians" (excluding Japan). Korea not as good as Japan!!! I mean, Koreans ... they are all good Christian Yellow folk.

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