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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Veni, Vidi, Wiki!: [b]Wikipedia in Courts[/b]
Forbes India
In 2008, the Supreme Court of India was faced with a peculiar conundrum when passing judgment in a taxation case. ...

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Milton Roe
QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Wed 27th October 2010, 8:00pm) *

Very cute. Even cuter when said properly, since (as in German) the Latin "V" is classically pronounced (pronounced by classicists?) as a "W": Weni, Weedi, Wiki smile.gif

Speaking of which, how long before Jimbo gets to play the role of Julius Caeser in the Senate? ermm.gif That Dictator-For-Life thing can be a bummer if your dictatorial life is shortened for you....
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