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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Introducing Blekko: The '[b]Wikipedia of Search Engines'[/b]
The AtlanticWire (blog)
The founders of the newly-released search site have a problem with the way most search engines work. ...

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Dunno why this hasn't been picked up:

'An alternative to Google search?', Maggie Shiels, 13:32 UK time, Monday, 1 November 2010 < >
Type your query in the Blekko search box and three billion web pages, deemed worthwhile through a mix of algorithms and human input, will be scanned through. It then organises these lists around a "slashtag"; the company's tagline is "Slash the web".

The aim is to ensure relevant results and weed out spam results and content created by companies like Demand Media - this is where people are paid to write articles around popular topics so that they rise to the top of search results.

Blekko said that, for example, searching "cure for headaches" on its search engine will return results from the best quality sites in the health category, like the National Institute of Health - in contrast to the results on Google's first page which range from WikiHow to Yahoo Answers.

Blekko's pitch is that there is a greater level of human involvement in its search process.

"An algorithm can't tell the difference between two articles, both of which are written by humans but one of which is on, say, and another written for 50 cents to have it put on

Mr Skrenta said the initial goal is to identify the 50 best sites for the top 100,000 search categories. Its use of volunteers to identify those sites is modelled on Wikipedia.

oh god... Just what we need more of, more cliques and playground power struggles controlling the internet. YAY WIKIPEDIA THE INTERNET... *sarcasm* Wasn't DMOZ based along the same ethic with the word categories replacing tags?

p.s. the BBC article is open for comments if anyone wants to bother, have fun trying to change a BBC reporter's mind about anything though, 90% of them are hipster mac+iphone users with an ego the size of Apple's chemical processing pollution. tongue.gif A recent remake of the site focused on less content and more "features and opinions", meaning blogs presented as news - by a company that is meant to hold unbiased reporting as one of it's top priorities...
QUOTE(Selina @ Tue 2nd November 2010, 2:32am) * a company that is meant to hold unbiased reporting as one of it's top priorities...[/b]


I tried Blekko. It's awful, as it doesn't even return results from Examiner articles, except via the "here's some other results from Yahoo".
It is interesting to note, however, how my "wasting my time" on Examiner is helping Wikipedia Review (according to Blekko's rather neat SEO and Inbound Linking tools) obtain more traffic and link strength.
QUOTE(thekohser @ Tue 2nd November 2010, 3:36am) *
I tried Blekko. It's awful, as it doesn't even return results from Examiner articles, except via the "here's some other results from Yahoo".
I punched 'rlevse plagiarism' (without the single quotes) into blekko and its top return ('1 of 1' actually) was your Examiner article.
QUOTE(Zoloft @ Tue 2nd November 2010, 10:01am) *

QUOTE(thekohser @ Tue 2nd November 2010, 3:36am) *
I tried Blekko. It's awful, as it doesn't even return results from Examiner articles, except via the "here's some other results from Yahoo".
I punched 'rlevse plagiarism' (without the single quotes) into blekko and its top return ('1 of 1' actually) was your Examiner article.

Then Blekko is awesome!
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