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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Yes, students, there's a world beyond [b]Wikipedia[/b]
Chicago Tribune
For parents with fond memories of the Dewey Decimal System, library card catalogs and thumbing through ...

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This article is a nice thought, but it's formatted so atrociously, I doubt anyone is going to visit these alternate sites.
Larry Sanger
QUOTE(thekohser @ Tue 2nd November 2010, 3:25pm) *

This article is a nice thought, but it's formatted so atrociously, I doubt anyone is going to visit these alternate sites.

Well, which I got started is on the list, and we're getting some good traffic--a hell of a lot more than we're credited for by Alexa and Quantcast.
QUOTE(Larry Sanger @ Tue 2nd November 2010, 4:22pm) *

QUOTE(thekohser @ Tue 2nd November 2010, 3:25pm) *

This article is a nice thought, but it's formatted so atrociously, I doubt anyone is going to visit these alternate sites.

Well, which I got started is on the list, and we're getting some good traffic--a hell of a lot more than we're credited for by Alexa and Quantcast.

Hate to tell ya Larry, but searching that site is a miserable experience.
Second Life, Facebook, and Twitter are also on the ALA's 2009 list of the Top 25 sites.

QUOTE(SB_Johnny @ Tue 2nd November 2010, 11:29pm) *

QUOTE(Larry Sanger @ Tue 2nd November 2010, 4:22pm) *

QUOTE(thekohser @ Tue 2nd November 2010, 3:25pm) *

This article is a nice thought, but it's formatted so atrociously, I doubt anyone is going to visit these alternate sites.

Well, which I got started is on the list, and we're getting some good traffic--a hell of a lot more than we're credited for by Alexa and Quantcast.

Hate to tell ya Larry, but searching that site is a miserable experience.

The formatting of Larry's new site is also suspect.

Larry Sanger
The formatting problem was very temporary. Happened for a few hours on that day and not since.

SB_Johnny, actually, WatchKnow has been praised dozens of times for its ease of searchability and use. We worked a lot on this, and the search engine's results are, for the most part, highly relevant. Moreover, the directory (if you search through it by drilling down) is pretty snazzy, I thought. In what way did it seem to be a "miserable experience" to you? Maybe you caught the site when it was undergoing growing pains a.k.a. temporarily experiencing a bug?

Also, have a look at my "How to Use WatchKnow" video.

It's a brand new kind of software, so it might not be obvious how to use it.
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