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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Teachers: Please stop prohibiting the use of [b]Wikipedia[/b]
ZDNet (blog)
Christopher Dawson grew up in Seattle, back in the days of pre-antitrust Microsoft, coffeeshops owned ...

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I know Wikipedia is scary. It has pictures of genitals, deviant behavior, piercings, and virtually every other item that we block with sophisticated content filters in our schools.

The problem he's missing is that there's just no good way to filter the "scary" stuff while allowing the rest of the site through, and never will be.
Any teacher who puts pornography into the hands of a child should be fired.
QUOTE(Emperor @ Fri 5th November 2010, 11:48am) *

Any teacher who puts pornography into the hands of a child should be fired.

With attitudes like that no wonder school is boring.
QUOTE(lilburne @ Fri 5th November 2010, 8:55am) *

QUOTE(Emperor @ Fri 5th November 2010, 11:48am) *

Any teacher who puts pornography into the hands of a child should be fired.

With attitudes like that no wonder school is boring.

Sorry it's so boring for you.

Hey, I'm not opposed to putting firearms into the hands of children (properly trained and supervised, of course). Maybe you should join the Boy Scouts.
Wouldn’t it make far more sense to encourage students to use Wikipedia, cite it appropriately, and then insist that they also use X number of linked primary sources? How much more valuable would it be for a kid writing a report on Mars to not only read about it in relatively straightforward terms on Wikipedia and then also read a relatively obscure website put together by an MIT scientist on Martian climate issues?

I'm assuming that if these kids are writing a report on Mars, they are in the fifth grade or higher. The good old World Book Encyclopedia was already off-limits by then for us. Was that unusual, or does this guy have terrible ideas about education (or both)?
QUOTE(Emperor @ Fri 5th November 2010, 1:42pm) *

QUOTE(lilburne @ Fri 5th November 2010, 8:55am) *

QUOTE(Emperor @ Fri 5th November 2010, 11:48am) *

Any teacher who puts pornography into the hands of a child should be fired.

With attitudes like that no wonder school is boring.

Sorry it's so boring for you.

Hey, I'm not opposed to putting firearms into the hands of children (properly trained and supervised, of course). Maybe you should join the Boy Scouts.

kewl ...

Lots and lots of comments on that article. I'm a bit at a loss for refuting the main point -- I also believe that kids should be exposed to Wikipedia, so if a school bans its use, we lose it as a subject of mockery and derision by the students.
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