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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />[b]Wikipedia is a reliable source to use for assignments[/b]
Cardinal Courier
Have you wondered when professors will let students use Wikipedia as a reference for their papers and assignments? Hopefully that time will come soon. ...

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By Evan Malone

Sports Editor

And, I left a comment:

Hey, Evan Malone... Sports Editor who writes about pedagogy, I can tell you who to sue in court should the New York Times, or Associated Press, or Wall Street Journal print something that is libelous, but fail to print a correction. Whom would you sue if Wikipedia publishes something that is libelous, but fails to correct it?

The problem most of you armchair Wikipediaphiles have is a complete lack of understanding of the notion of accountability.
Jon Awbrey

Have you wondered when newspaper editors will let columnists use Wikimedia Foundation Press Packets as hamburger helper for their columns and assignments? Apparently that time has already come.

Let's hope its time will soon be gone.

— Jonny Cache, 4:04 pm

Seriously, Dudes & Dudesses, how big a chunk of dumbass donor dollars do you think goes into these weekly barrages of WMF Press Packets generating nearly identical articles all across the e-metic e-media?

Jon hrmph.gif
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