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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />SU among universities to embrace [b]Wikipedia[/b]
Wikipedia, the user-edited online encyclopedia, is not typically viewed as a reliable source of information in academia, but Syracuse University and seven ...

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QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Tue 9th November 2010, 11:01am) *
Wikipedia, the user-edited online encyclopedia, is not typically viewed as a reliable source of information in academia, but Syracuse University and seven ...

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Really weird article. Implies that Syracuse might "view Wikipedia as a reliable source," but, in fact, the course is about Wikipedia, and has students participate in Wikipedia.
Wikipedia, which relies on crowdsourcing for gathering and editing information, is constantly changing as users add and edit text, leading professors to question the site's reliability. But under the new initiative, students will monitor selected pages within the website.

“It truly tests (students') ability to argue complex issues articulately in the public domain, as well teaching them how to be critical consumers of information,” Donna Lind Infeld, director of the master’s of public policy program at George Washington University, told the Chronicle of Higher Education.
There is not only no contradiction with the questioning of the site's reliability, there an encouragement of increased awareness of it, through hands-on understanding through participation.

Badly written news. However, this could get interesting. What if the professor and students in that class develop a resource on Wikiversity? Or someone documents their work there?
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