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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />[b]Wikipedia sister Wikia undergoes major redesign[/b]
BBC News
The for-profit sister site of Wikipedia is undergoing its biggest design overhaul since its ...

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The for-profit sister site of Wikipedia

Finally, someone other than me gets it right.
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(thekohser @ Wed 10th November 2010, 11:05am) *


The for-profit sister site of Wikipedia

Finally, someone other than me gets it right.

I really hate that stupid Soul Sister song …

But doesn't putting the article in Directory space make it subject to takeover by Wikia reps?

Jon huh.gif
QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Wed 10th November 2010, 11:16am) *

...doesn't putting the article in Directory space make it subject to takeover by Wikia reps?

Jon huh.gif

I will be waiting for them to contact me to claim ownership of the page by proving to me that they represent legal authority for Wikia, Inc. (Providing a statement on letterhead that includes the business address of the headquarters would typically be proof of a going corporation, wouldn't it?)

Regardless, the next day, the old content would be on a new page entitled "Criticism of Wikia", and I'd make more of an effort to invite some of those now-defected Wikians to help out, and I'd optimize even more semantic keywords for search purposes.

So, it's totally up to Gil what he wants to do.
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