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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />[b]Wikipedia Needs $16 Million to Remain Ad Free[/b]
Not many of us click on the plea from Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales that always sits on the top of each page, ...

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Michelle (Castillo) likes zombies, viral videos and cheesy science fiction television and movies - but not in that order. She's an overall pop culture junkie and happiest when overanalyzing minute details of things that don't really matter. She's previously covered arts and entertainment for,, the Los Angeles Times and the Hollywood Reporter.

To her credit, Castillo just gave me a phone call, and she now understands the "sub-story" of how the Wikimedia Foundation and the media misrepresent that all of these millions of dollars are necessary to "keep Wikipedia ad-free and running".

Whether she prints a retraction or a new article, remains to be seen.
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