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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />[b]Wikipedia Founder's Advice to Brands: "Make Stuff That Doesn't Suck"[/b]
Fast Company
When it comes to companies concerned with managing their brand image online, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales has some advice: "Make stuff ...

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Milton Roe
Wikipedia Founder's Advice to Brands: "Make Stuff That Doesn't Suck"
When it comes to companies concerned with managing their brand image online, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales has some advice: "Make stuff that doesn't suck."

huh.gif The irony here is so thick that I don't really have much to add.

I do have one question: What's the last thing you personally made, Jimmy, that did NOT suck?
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Mon 22nd November 2010, 8:17pm) *

Wikipedia Founder's Advice to Brands: "Make Stuff That Doesn't Suck"


When it comes to companies concerned with managing their brand image online, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales has some advice: "Make stuff that doesn't suck."

huh.gif The irony here is so thick that I don't really have much to add.

I do have one question: What's the last thing you personally made, Jimmy, that did NOT suck?

♪♫ I can't tell you, but I know that it blows ♪♫

Jon tongue.gif
Milton Roe
QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Mon 22nd November 2010, 6:30pm) *

QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Mon 22nd November 2010, 8:17pm) *

Wikipedia Founder's Advice to Brands: "Make Stuff That Doesn't Suck"


When it comes to companies concerned with managing their brand image online, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales has some advice: "Make stuff that doesn't suck."

huh.gif The irony here is so thick that I don't really have much to add.

I do have one question: What's the last thing you personally made, Jimmy, that did NOT suck?

♪♫ I can't tell you, but I know that it blows ♪♫

Jon tongue.gif

What do you get when you turn off review?
I can't tell you, but I know that it's mine
Of course I get by with a little help from my friends
Gunna try with a little help from my friends.

Interesting that Fast Company's comment field (powered by Disqus) seems to suck.
Jon Awbrey
I submitted a comment …


It's Blue Moonday — Don't forget to set your clock ahead to April Fool's

We'll see …

Jon tongue.gif
QUOTE(Milton Roe @ Tue 23rd November 2010, 1:42am) *

QUOTE(Jon Awbrey @ Mon 22nd November 2010, 6:30pm) *

♪♫ I can't tell you, but I know that it blows ♪♫

Jon tongue.gif

What do you get when you turn off review?
I can't tell you, but I know that it's mine
Of course I get by with a little help from my friends
Gunna try with a little help from my friends.

My comment (finally made a new account that would load the form) is waiting for moderator approval.

I would like to remind 'Fast Company' of its April 2007 cover story: "Google's Worst Nightmare - Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales". Remember what that was about? It was about Wikia Search, Jimmy Wales' effort to create a crowdsourced search engine. It sucked. In fact, it sucked so badly, Jimmy was feeling like he had to lie to a reporter (Susan Kuchinskas in iMediaConnection, March 26, 2009), telling her they were still "cranking away" only days before the enterprise would be shut down entirely.

It's also funny that "Wikia 2.0" would be held up here as a success story. That implementation was so sucky, many of the Wikia communities who hated it packed up their content and took it to another host. Including one of Wikia's biggest communities, the one that creates content around the World of Warcraft game. Just look up "Anti Wikia Alliance" if you want more info about the mass exodus from Wikia.

I wonder if Austin Carr is even paying attention at all. Am I the only one who notices that Jimmy Wales' cobalt blue shirt is worn fresh out of the package, crease lines in firm place? Who is a guy who can't even iron a shirt to tell us how to manage our online brand image?
Comments are now getting published on this article, and some of them are doozies.
"When I go to speak at a university or high school, it's completely insane how excited the kids are about Wikipedia," Wales said.
Kelly Martin
"When I go to speak at a university or high school, it's completely insane how excited the kids are about Wikipedia," Wales said.
Show the average American teenage male a lug wrench and his mind will turn to thoughts of lust.
Getting teenagers excited over something doesn't take much, or mean much.
QUOTE(Kelly Martin @ Wed 24th November 2010, 12:42pm) *

"When I go to speak at a university or high school, it's completely insane how excited the kids are about Wikipedia," Wales said.
Show the average American teenage male a lug wrench and his mind will turn to thoughts of lust.
Getting teenagers excited over something doesn't take much, or mean much.

"Our Patty loves to rock and roll,
A hot dog makes her lose control..."
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