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I love Glenn Beck.
He's so wacky.

On his November 30 radio show, Beck said, as he’s prone to do, that “the storm is here,” adding that “Wikipedia is just a part of it.” One of Beck’s sidekicks quickly stepped in to correct it to WikiLeaks. Beck then asserted that Soros “helped develop software” for Wikipedia. Sidekick Stu Burguiere responded, “I’ve read this before, but I don’t think it’s actually accurate.” Beck went on to add: “Maybe you’re right. ... I’m not saying it’s nefarious. What I’m saying is that he is an open society guy. This is an open society -- this is perfect open society stuff. ... The software was, I think, helped developed by Soros, which is the software that WikiLeaks is using.”

Also mentioned here, more here.

Perhaps it needs to be added to the official WP article?

"Open society" is evil!! EVIL, I tell you! yecch.gif
QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Wed 1st December 2010, 3:06pm) *

I love Glenn Beck.
He's so wacky.

On his November 30 radio show, Beck said, as he’s prone to do, that “the storm is here,” adding that “Wikipedia is just a part of it.” One of Beck’s sidekicks quickly stepped in to correct it to WikiLeaks. Beck then asserted that Soros “helped develop software” for Wikipedia. Sidekick Stu Burguiere responded, “I’ve read this before, but I don’t think it’s actually accurate.” Beck went on to add: “Maybe you’re right. ... I’m not saying it’s nefarious. What I’m saying is that he is an open society guy. This is an open society -- this is perfect open society stuff. ... The software was, I think, helped developed by Soros, which is the software that WikiLeaks is using.”

Also mentioned here, more here.

Perhaps it needs to be added to the official WP article?

"Open society" is evil!! EVIL, I tell you! yecch.gif

I almost got into a fistfight with a Beckist the other day. I was quietly standing in a checkout line with my yoghurt and spinach salad, contemplating whether to use Wordpress or Joomla! as the CMS for a small business site I was building for a friend, and this fellow behind me started a rant about Obama, Soros, and Muslim Nazi Socialist Jewish homosexual fiat money gold-and-gun-confiscating gubmint layabouts. I ignored him, and punched in my club code to get my 42 cents off the spinach. He poked me in my back with a bony finger and asked if I was a 'Obummahcrat.' I turned around and said, "I don't talk to registered sex offenders."

For some reason, he became somewhat incensed, and angrily asked why I was accusing him of such a thing. I told him it just was something I heard on the teevee, and if he'd show me a certificate of some sort from the local police absolving him of pedophilia and treason, I'd give him the benefit of the doubt. For now. But that he had 'that look about him.'

I did make it out of the store without getting punched in the face. I dunno how.
QUOTE(Zoloft @ Wed 1st December 2010, 7:24pm) *

...with my yoghurt and spinach salad...

You're in a store in America, but you spell yogurt with an "h"?
QUOTE(thekohser @ Wed 1st December 2010, 8:47pm) *

QUOTE(Zoloft @ Wed 1st December 2010, 7:24pm) *

...with my yoghurt and spinach salad...

You're in a store in America, but you spell yogurt with an "h"?

I'm ethnic.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(EricBarbour @ Wed 1st December 2010, 4:06pm) *

I love Glenn Beck.
He's so wacky.

On his November 30 radio show, Beck said, as he’s prone to do, that “the storm is here,” adding that “Wikipedia is just a part of it.” One of Beck’s sidekicks quickly stepped in to correct it to WikiLeaks. Beck then asserted that Soros “helped develop software” for Wikipedia. Sidekick Stu Burguiere responded, “I’ve read this before, but I don’t think it’s actually accurate.” Beck went on to add: “Maybe you’re right. ... I’m not saying it’s nefarious. What I’m saying is that he is an open society guy. This is an open society -- this is perfect open society stuff. ... The software was, I think, helped developed by Soros, which is the software that WikiLeaks is using.”

Also mentioned here, more here.

Perhaps it needs to be added to the official WP article?

"Open society" is evil!! EVIL, I tell you! yecch.gif

Glenn Beck's opinions on Sorros appear to correspond to LaRouche's. Perhaps the two should get together and see who has the brand new pair of rollerskates and who has the brand new key.
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