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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />New Facebook Profiles Become Your Personal [b]Wikipedia Page[/b]
Forbes (blog)
UPDATE: Facebook just announced on its blog that the new Profile Pages are available starting now. The company says it will gradually ...

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Milton Roe
QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Sun 5th December 2010, 2:30pm) *

New Facebook Profiles Become Your Personal Wikipedia Page
Forbes (blog)
UPDATE: Facebook just announced on its blog that the new Profile Pages are available starting now. The company says it will gradually ...

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Calm down, everybody. The writer of the above article has no earthly idea what in the world he's talking about. What he means to say, is that the new facebook profiles vaguely remind him of Wikipedia BLPs. Except, of course, for all the ways they are different, which is just about every way imaginable. But the "look" is everything to the ignorant.

From the screen capture above, you can see that right below Zuckerberg’s name at the top of his profile, there’s a Wikipedia-like mini-biography of his life.

It may eventually be, however, that WP's collection of BLPs will morph into an especially evil version of Facebook. smile.gif

Jon Awbrey
Mostly they just added an inch of advertising width on the right, taking ½ inch from the left panel and ½ inch from the central user space.

Other than that, they made it look more like MySpace — brilliant move Zuck,er,borg!

Jon hrmph.gif
Did he actually get shamed into changing the title of his story?

It now reads, "New Facebook Profile Pages Revealed".
Jon Awbrey

I think the Facebook development team may be missing out on the fact that the diversity of people who come to Facebook are best served by a diversity of flexible formats. Imposing a "one-style suits all" straitjacket on everyone may lose whole segments of present and potential users. Trying to become more MySpace-like or more Twitter-like and force-feeding read-only scrapings of Wikipediot articles into community space is likely to send many of us looking for the Next Thing to come along. At the very least, you should give people the freedom to opt-out of the new format. Sure, take your extra inch of ad width if you must, but let us have the more content-development and conversation-oriented facilities that many of us left our former environs and came here to enjoy.

— Jonny Cache, Facebook Blog, 05 Dec 2010

What are the interesting things that can be learned from the Facebook world, Jon?
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(Text @ Mon 6th December 2010, 7:29am) *

What are the interesting things that can be learned from the Facebook world, Jon?

In what sense?

Jon Image
In what sense?

You said that Wikipedia isn't very different from Usenut, and all the rest where crackpots advertise some kind of content. While in Facebook the crackpots are advertising themselves more than anything else, i think.

What would the Next Thing be? What can be learned from this Current Thing Facebook which allows about the same thing as Wikipedia, minus the content, which on Wiki is used as an excuse to bitch, complain and attack other users?

Is Facebook better than Wikipedia? Why and how?
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(Text @ Mon 6th December 2010, 7:58am) *


In what sense?

You said that Wikipedia isn't very different from Usenut, and all the rest where crackpots advertise some kind of content. While in Facebook the crackpots are advertising themselves more than anything else, i think.

What would the Next Thing be? What can be learned from this Current Thing Facebook which allows about the same thing as Wikipedia, minus the content, which on Wiki is used as an excuse to bitch, complain and attack other users?

Is Facebook better than Wikipedia? Why and how?

Situation normal, all fluxed up … the new profile zucks bigtime … so I'm already keeping an eye out for the Next Thing down the line … but there are a few things about Facebook that are nice as long as they last.

I think the positives spring from the fact that you can pick the people you include in your personal community … so you get a birds-of-a-feather effect that is much more agreeable than being forced to deal with obnoxious personalities all the time.

Jon tongue.gif
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