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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />[b]Wikipedia Experts at Gnosis Arts Have an Over 95% Inclusion Rate[/b]
Online PR News (press release)
Businesses which want to be included in Wikipedia typically need a professional writing agency to assist in the composition, editing and coding of the ...

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Businesses which want to be included in Wikipedia typically need a professional writing agency to assist in the composition, editing and coding of the article. But not just any writing company, one which has special expertise in encyclopedic writing, Web coding, research - and which knows how to navigate the often times quirky sea of Wikipedian groupthink.

Online PR News – 06-December-2010 –Wikipedia consistently ranks as one of the top 10 most trafficked sites on the Web. Moreover, critical encyclopedia reviewers have argued that the online, user-generated encyclopedia is "at least as accurate and authoritative as the the Encyclopedia Brittannica."
Milton Roe
QUOTE(thekohser @ Mon 6th December 2010, 1:17pm) *

Businesses which want to be included in Wikipedia typically need a professional writing agency to assist in the composition, editing and coding of the article. But not just any writing company, one which has special expertise in encyclopedic writing, Web coding, research - and which knows how to navigate the often times quirky sea of Wikipedian groupthink.

Online PR News – 06-December-2010 –Wikipedia consistently ranks as one of the top 10 most trafficked sites on the Web. Moreover, critical encyclopedia reviewers have argued that the online, user-generated encyclopedia is "at least as accurate and authoritative as the the Encyclopedia Brittannica."

They also managed to misspell "Britannica" laugh.gif

confused.gif Was this a gag post in the original?
Businesses which want to be included in Wikipedia typically need a professional writing agency to assist in the composition, editing and coding of the article. But not just any writing company, one which has special expertise in encyclopedic writing, Web coding, research - and which knows how to navigate the often times quirky sea of Wikipedian groupthink.

That would be considered perfectly good grammar in Australia or South Africa. Maybe it was written by someone from there. Maybe they're trying to give the impression they're not based in the USA. Maybe they aren't based in the USA! Let's think of all the possibilities before assuming they're idiots.
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