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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Is your business open or closed? Apple, Google and [b]Wikipedia are seen as a new ...[/b]
Vancouver Sun
There is plenty of talk about a new paradigm of openness and collaboration in business, ...

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I have no idea what Brad Cherniak is on about here. I can't think of three more closed companies than Apple, Google, and the Wikimedia Foundation. They may give off the appearances of being "open", but I defy anyone to get a non-Apple MP3 player to play a song from the Apple iTunes store, and I defy anyone to get Google to disclose the evidence that led to an AdSense account being blocked, and I defy anyone to get the Wikimedia Foundation's executive director to disclose how much was paid to Q2 Consulting for research that was awarded without any competitive bid earlier this year. -- Gregory Kohs
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