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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Cuba launches [b]Wikipedia-like online encyclopedia[/b]
Calgary Herald
HAVANA - Cuba has begun its own online encyclopedia, similar to Wikipedia, with the goal of presenting its version of the world and history. ...

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Iniciada en enero de 2001 por Jimmy Wales y Larry Sanger, considerada por muchos actualmente la mayor y más popular obra de consulta en Internet.

EcuRed Article on Wikipedia (emphasis added)

We need to shop up a pic of Larry with one of those Ché berets.
Milton Roe
QUOTE(GlassBeadGame @ Mon 13th December 2010, 6:53pm) *

Iniciada en enero de 2001 por Jimmy Wales y Larry Sanger, considerada por muchos actualmente la mayor y más popular obra de consulta en Internet.

EcuRed Article on Wikipedia (emphasis added)

We need to shop up a pic of Larry with one of those Ché berets.

Bolivian Checkuser Army Blasts Another Cuban Sockpuppeteer

Biggest catch since El Norte Maldito User:SundanceKid
And it's already up.

(What a shame, the average Cuban can't afford a computer, so he'll never know what a glorious revolutionary encyclopedia exists in his honor!)

The article about Estados Unidos is accurate, though:
Se ha caracterizado históricamente por despojar por la fuerza a otras naciones y países de territorios y recursos naturales para ponerlos al servicio de sus empresas y monopolios. (It has been historically characterized by strip by force to other nations and countries of territories and natural resources to make them serve their companies and monopolies.)
Consume el 25% de la energía que se produce en el planeta, ya pesar de su riqueza más de un tercio de su población no tiene asegurada la atención médica. (Consumes 25% of the energy produced in the planet, despite their wealth over a third of its population has no guaranteed medical care.)
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