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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Good Faith Collaboration: How [b]Wikipedia works[/b]
Boing Boing
Joseph Reagle Jr's Good Faith Collaboration: The Culture of Wikipedia is exactly what a popular, scholarly work should be: serious but not slow, ...

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Peter Damian
This made me vomit. Every statement in it was untrue, or implied something untrue.
QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Mon 20th December 2010, 6:43pm) *

This made me vomit. Every statement in it was untrue, or implied something untrue.

He's not posting any negative comments, so its no good telling him his review is a steaming pile of shite. But what do you expect from Cory?

Peter Damian
Who is the great penis who calls himself Kieran O'Neill? Nobhead, as we say here.
Kelly Martin
Cory is very much a part of the Web 2.0 Cabal. Wikipedia has to work for him; his fame and fortune are founded in the same cybersharecropping that makes Wikipedia work. He's perhaps not quite as exploitative about it as Jimmy is, but fundamentally it's the same thing: get people to do work for free, and keep for yourself the money you make off it.

Don't ever expect a Web 2.0 celebrity to look beneath the shiny wrapper on any Web 2.0 property. They all rely on the same sort of exploitative relationship between their owners and their "communities", at some level or another; the ones that don't yet will eventually, usually around the time they go after second round venture capital.
QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Tue 21st December 2010, 12:10pm) *

Who is the great penis who calls himself Kieran O'Neill? Nobhead, as we say here.

Doubtless, he is this boy wonder.
Jon Awbrey
QUOTE(thekohser @ Tue 21st December 2010, 2:39pm) *

QUOTE(Peter Damian @ Tue 21st December 2010, 12:10pm) *

Who is the great penis who calls himself Kieran O'Neill? Nobhead, as we say here.

Doubtless, he is this boy wonder.

“Handheld Entertainment”


Jon tongue.gif
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