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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Chicagoist Reading Club Selection: [b]Wikipedia's "Dibs" Page[/b]
Yeah, it's a slow news day. But it's given us a good opportunity to really dig in (pun intended) to Wikipedia's entry on parking chairs or, as they're more ...

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Peter Damian
The piece was a hoot and well worth reading.

But now I'm well pissed off that there is no article about Brits putting towels on sunloungers to stop the ghastly Germans getting on the beach first. The only reference I could find is the article on , where it says that towels are used "To reserve seats, for example sun-loungers, by the side of swimming pools or similar locations (a source of annoyance to some and amusement to others and commonly done by the Germans[citation needed]). "

Could someone help out with a whole article on the subject, please?
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