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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Factual aims, credibly, to become [b]Wikipedia 2.0[/b]
eCampus News
Imagine an online community that combines user contributions, editing and fact checking like Wikipedia, with automated data extraction like Google and ...

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Milton Roe
QUOTE(Newsfeed @ Tue 4th January 2011, 7:15am) *

Factual aims, credibly, to become Wikipedia 2.0
eCampus News
Imagine an online community that combines user contributions, editing and fact checking like Wikipedia, with automated data extraction like Google and
and more »

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Heheheh. Hey, WMF. They're coming for you. smile.gif
If you read the original New York Times article about Factual, I am not very impressed.

I mean, founder Gil Elbaz gives as his example of one of the tough data nuts that Factual will crack by crowdsourcing and then "look for some sort of consensus": What is the right phone number for a business?

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